My Picture Quotes with short Lessons💐

I did some customized and inspiring picture quotes. Check it out and also, check out some lessons ✨

There are many versions to this quote, I just thought of mine like this, but if it has been out before, no worries 😉

So that’s it! Some of my quotes. Just wanted to inspire you today, but with pictures this time around. ❤️💐

You can always share, send to someone or keep. Your smile is my inspiration ❤️💐

Published by Vincent Ehindero

I'm here for my family. My wordpress family. I love you all so much and I promise never to leave you ❤️

37 thoughts on “My Picture Quotes with short Lessons💐

      1. Hey, I was wondering if you could join my Email list. I add my family (I call followers, family) to it so I can keep in touch. You know, sometimes, when we don’t really get in touch through blogging, There would be the Email list, to continue our friendship bond💐
So what do you think?😃
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  1. Very true about self-worth. C.S. Lewis wrote “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” If we think we are being humble by viewing ourselves as worthless, we are actually opening ourselves up to being misused by those with wrong motives. It is good to be aware of our strengths and assets so that we can use them for their original purpose: not to glorify the creation, but the Creator.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You made a very valid point here. That’s why everything begins with a correct mindset. We have to key into positivity in order to know and believe our worth. And some people know their strengths, but because if their bad mindset and thinking, they cannot channel it properly.

      You are also right. The creator gave us strength. We have to use it to glorify him 🙏

      Thanks so much for commenting. I really appreciate it

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love these sort of posts. You did all the hard work for us. Great selection of quotes my friend, thanks for sharing. You have some good wisdom in your words. Keep using your talent to inspire others ✌

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