Liebster Award 🥇

The Jaguar himself has nominated me for the Liebster award 😌I feel so honored and extremely grateful.

Rejoy Dey is the compassionate Jaguar that feels that I should be nominated for such an awesome award.

Thanks so much Rejoy! I’m thankful and grateful!

Please guys, you can check out Rejoy’s blog here. Beware ⚠️!! You might be confronted by the Jaguar 🐆

Here are the rules

  1. First and foremost, thank the blogger who has nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Answer the questions of the blogger.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers for the award.
  4. Ask your own questions to the nominated bloggers.
  5. Provide a link to the blog post to all the nominated bloggers on their sites to let them know about their nomination.
  6. List the rules and the picture of the blog award.

😂Rejoy has 11 questions for me

1. What does being alive mean to you?

There are a lot of people that are alive in this world, but they are dead. The word “alive” doesn’t necessarily mean physical existence.

Some people are dead spiritually, morally, mentally, etc

So being alive to me, means that I’m active in all areas of life (physically, spiritually and mentally)

2. How did you come out of the most difficult phase of your life?

God helped me through. And I also put in some efforts and repositioned my thinking.

Occasionally, I find myself doing things that can draw me back to my difficult phases. But I’m not perfect. I will make mistakes. But each time I make mistakes, recognizing my mistakes is the first and crucial step to my solution.

3. Which song can you listen to for a million times on lopp?

It’s my native song. “Iwo ko lodami” i can listen to this song like 20 times in a day 😂😂

4. Where do you want to live if you were given a choice to live just anywhere?

Australia 🇦🇺. I love how they call each other “mate” and I also love the overall behaviors of the people. They are so accommodating to everyone! But beware of spiders 😂😂I heard Australia is home to some of the world’s most dangerous spiders 🕷 😱

5. What was your favorite subject at school and why?

Agriculture. I love it because it deals with stuffs I like -farm, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc 😅😂well, it was my favorite subject until I got to learn that it has some calculations similar to mathematics 😅

And since I don’t like mathematics, my love for agriculture (as a subject) vanished into thin air.😂Anytime we learnt about evaporation, my love for agriculture gradually evaporates 😂

And I also loved biology, until it started getting complicated. I would learn about my brain cells in a book 😂I don’t even know myself well, and biology is like “heyy, you don’t know who you are, come let me teach you who you are and your functions” and I’m like whattttt???😂

6. What is the biggest lie you say to yourself?

That I’m not tall😂😂and I’m not going to take my measurements 😂 (once I entered a long vehicle and had to adjust the mirrors)😂

7. How do you wake up every morning?

😂I don’t get. Well, I don’t use alarms. I just wake up…could you clarify a little bit Rejoy?

8. What is your view regarding world War III?

I knew you might ask this 😂

Well, this is a board subject that I might take time to address. But paraphrasing, I think world war lll might not happen soon as we are expecting. But it will definitely happen.

In the book of revelations, talking about the end times, nations will raise up against nations (signifying the closeness of Jesus’s second coming) the days of the great tribulation will surely include world wars.

So yes, world war 3 and even more will still happen. But it will be a sign of the rapture almost happening.

(I stand to be corrected if I might have said something but you want to suggest your views or corrections)

9. Who is the most important person in your life, apart from your parents and grandparents?

Well, the most important persons. I will listen them for you.

I don’t have grandparents at all. I never met them. But after parents, these are the set of people very important in my life.


Everyone of you fall under this category.

You are not just my followers, you are my brothers and sisters. Well, I don’t have any sister (biological), but who says you have to be biological to be called my sisters and brothers?

From now on, I want us to promote love among ourselves. I want us to build and grow in love as a family.

I will start calling you all (bro, sis, Aunty and uncle).

After parents, you all are next in line. We haven’t seen each other before, but the love we are all giving ourselves is worth more than the friends that we are seeing.

So yes. After parents, My family (including you all) are the most important people in my life ❤️(you all deserve this color ❤️)

Which animal do you love the most?

😂chickens 🤣🤣

What is the most productive thing you do in your leisure?

😅😅I think of ideas that can be implemented

My nominees

If your name begins with any of these alphabets (A-Z), then you are nominated 😅😂.

My questions

Please answer the same questions I answered 🙏

Thanks Rejoy! You are awesome!

Thanks so much for these wonderful questions Rejoy 🙏I really appreciate it once again.

The JAGUAR!!!! Please follow Rejoy’s blog HERE.

Your smile is my inspiration ❤️

Published by Vincent Ehindero

I'm here for my family. My wordpress family. I love you all so much and I promise never to leave you ❤️

126 thoughts on “Liebster Award 🥇

  1. *Ozzie accent*
    G’day mate! Ah don’t fret mate, the spiders only bite ya when they’re hungry! Just watch out for the brown snakes they’ll bite ya just for fun and naughty buggers. They’re very deadly but real beauties!
    – Jasmine, from Australia! 🇦🇺

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 😂😂😂😂honestly, I don’t know why this amazing comment went to spam folder 😱

      😂😂😂heyyy, Jasmine. I’m doing good mate 😊😊

      😂😂😂😂only bite when they are hungry?!😱😱😱😱

      Brown snakes bite for fun?😂😂😂😂😂

      Now, I’m so pumped up with what you’ve said 😂😂😂I will definitely visit Australia. And I will pay you a visit😂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂😂😂(this comment went to spam. I’m so sorry for the late reply🙏)

      Yeah..well, compared to the Turtle, I think chicken is better 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂just kidding


      1. Uhhhhh… Probably like: “Really? You got me a LLAMA?! Where am I supposed to put this thing?” 😂😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratsssss🎉🎉🎉
    How about in the next post, you include a counter in the end for the number of times you use 😂🤣 these emojis
    Lol, just kidding
    I feel like you deserve this award really well because your site has pretty unique content👍🏻👍🏻

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks 😊

        Actually, I’ve been so lazy trying to build it. According to Facebook’s algorithm, pages don’t generally do well.

        So I went for the group. The community of a Facebook group is far more better than a page.

        But thanks for having a check. It really gladdens my heart 😊


    1. 😅😅thanks so much for asking.

      I will do a post on that soon. I want to explain everything in details. I want you to fully understand why.

      So very soon, you will see a post on that.

      So sorry for not giving an answer here. 🙏🙏

      Hey, I will soon be a potterhead! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yo wassap bro (let’s do this hand thingie thing, I dunno😂) I LOOOOVEEE EATING CHICKE- oops pretend you never read that. I love agriculture too! It’s not a subject for us but since my dad is a plant doctor I love looking at farms and horses! (I’ve only been to a farm once in my life, It was SO fun!) And Congratulations on your award, you deserve it! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂😂okay **does the hand thing, but cookie girl misses a step** 😂😂

      You I’ve eating them, I love seeing them alive 😂😂😂cute isn’t it 🤣🤣

      😂😂well, I’m glad you love farms. It’s such a wonderful experience.

      Thanks so much! You are also nominated 😊😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wahhhh why?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? I do NOT!🤣🤣🤣
        It sure is! 🙂 Thank you! But I think I already did it? I just dunno, I’m not very on the schedule on my blog right now, so I gotta do dat🤣 Anyways, Thanks again! xx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 😅😅

        Sorry for the mistake in my earlier message. I meant “you love eating chickens while I love seeing them alive” I just saw the typo error.

        It’s always okay if you might not be able to do it. It’s understandable. I wouldn’t want you to inconvenience yourself because of a blog post. 🙏

        You are highly welcome 😊

        Liked by 1 person

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