You don’t water the flower. You water the root. 💧

What do you think of this topic?

It just popped in my head, but I want to learn from your thoughts.

Looking at the above topic, if you were to inspire someone with that, what would you say?

Let’s head over to the comments section and learn from each other’s vast knowledge ✨✨

Published by Vincent Ehindero

I'm here for my family. My wordpress family. I love you all so much and I promise never to leave you ❤️

87 thoughts on “You don’t water the flower. You water the root. 💧

  1. You should water the root, because it is the root that can really absorb the water. But, if you water the flower 🌺, *dramatic pause* you could give it a touch of beautiful dewdrops. 💦

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Selina! 😃 I love how you approached it from the angle of nature.

      Yeah, in fact, I’m picturing the image of what you are saying right now 😇😇

      Thanks so much for dropping your thoughts 💭 I really appreciate it

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Dr Ethel😃 you approached this from the reading and growth angle.

      That’s very lovely and inspiring.

      Yes. Through reading, we nurture ourselves and mature wisely.

      Thanks for letting us know about that 😇😇we really really appreciate it

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Water symbolises Divine Love and it is the root or the core which needs to be filled with for us to grow. Watering the outside does not achieve much like a shower cleans the exterior, but we need deep cleanse from the root from the soul outward.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. 🤔 now, this is very deep!

      I love how you linked this to love. You indeed have a very great and inspiring illustration.

      We actually do need deep cleanse from the root to the soul outward 👏🏽

      Thanks so much for this. Very deep and Inspiring 💐

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Judith! 😃yes you are right 💐

      We have to solve things from the base, because it will affect how other areas function

      Thanks so much for this enlightening comment 💐💐💐💐💐you have surely inspired us all

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Well, I’d say this is about keeping your foundation strong(not the makeup one; 🤣).
    You can’t do something without knowing your basics, right?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Foundation 🎯

      We truly have to keep our foundations strong and fit for the task ahead! 😃

      Very inspiring!

      We truly can’t do anything without knowing our basics 💐💐

      Thanks so much for letting us know that. 😃😇😇😇

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Great thought!
    If you want to know the reason for a person’s success, don’t see what he does in that field. See his overall nature.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. That’s good to know.
        The cases are rising rapidly, which was expected considering India’s poulation, but recovery rate has risen a lot as well. Death rate is low.
        Lockdown has been mostly lifted.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Joni 😃

      Once again, you’ve shared your rich and powerful wise words with us 😇

      We need to work on the inside of ourselves! A very valid point!

      Thanks very much for dropping your wise and enlightening comment. We really do appreciate it a lot 💐💐

      Liked by 3 people

  5. To me this means…
    When you tell someone there pretty, they feel temporarily good. Right? It’s a boost of confidence! But it doesn’t last forever. However, when you tell someone about God. It goes deep. They won’t forget.. it comes back to them because their spirit knows it’s truth!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ruthie! 😃

      I love how you linked it to the powerful word of God.

      You are absolutely right!

      Speaking and enlightening people about the kingdom of God is a deep issue that sticks to their hearts 💕

      You have inspired us all Ruthie

      Thanks very much for your lovely comment 💐💐

      Liked by 4 people

  6. For the flower to grow and blossom, it has to tap from available resources (water and nutrients) which can be gotten from the root. In the same way as individuals, we can only grow when we tap from available resources e.g books via our roots (our mentality).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anthonia! 😃

      Yes, I’m so happy with how you linked Water and nutrients to individuals

      It shows how vast in knowledge you are!

      Thanks so much 💐💐💐 it’s so lovely to tap from your wisdom 🙏


  7. Never thought about that! ❤
    It’s a really interesting and powerful thought..
    May be when we try to achieve something we often get frustrated and give up too easily because we can’t see the instant results but forget that consistency is the key!
    We need to keep watering our dreams consistently with hardwork to turn them into the flower we want to reach 🌊🌹
    Every beautiful tree we see was once a delicate sapling, right? 🤔🌳🌱

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Atara!!🤗🤗🤗🤗

      OMG, I’m so so happy today because wonderful people are dropping great opinions!

      Yes, you are right 5000! Consistency is really the key.

      Yes. We just have to keep on the process of watering our dreams. Then we will grow from a plant 🌱 to a tree 🌳

      Yeah, every beautiful tree we see was once a delicate sapling. But the sapling was consistent and determine and it got to becoming a tree.

      Just like how we are going to become big in achieving our dreams✨✨✨

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The root of your thought is what has sparked all these flowers of different insights! 🙃
        I enjoyed reading all the beautiful comments and got some inspiration ❤
        Thank you for this post 👍

        Liked by 1 person

  8. There is no growth in wisdom without a firmly rooted foundation. We can blossom in many different and sometimes surprising ways, but the roots must remain doggedly set. Otherwise, instead of growing in wisdom, we simply float with the prevailing winds of change.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🤔now this got me thinking

      “The roots must remain doggedly set” I love this

      Very nice illustration Micheal. I really love how you explained In details.

      I’m so happy because people will be very inspired to read your great comment

      Thanks so much for dropping your insightful opinion 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Usually it’s the root that transports the water to the rest of the plant.
    So if you water the root, it’s able to provide nutrient to the rest of the plant so that they’re able to do their own jobs.

    Whereas, if you water the flower, yes, you’ve washed of the dirt and given it shine. You’ve succeeded in helping the flower look pretty while also neglecting the rest of the plant.

    What good is it if just one part benefits while the others suffer ? 👀👀
    ** plus, watering the flower doesn’t even help the flower functionally, it just helps it look prettier 😭😭

    I hope I made sense 😂😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emma! 😃

      First of all, you made absolute sense!

      “watering the flower doesn’t even help the flower functionally, it just helps it look prettier” That got me 😂

      I really love how you approached it. You approached it with wisdom and thoughtfulness.

      The root is the basis. If the root is not taken care of, the outward beauty of the plant will wither.

      Thanks so much Emma. I really appreciate your response 🤗🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Flowers are the result of healthy roots. To have a healthy flower we need to water the root. Roots are like our mind and heart we water it with peace and avoid negativity and hate, our happiness flower blooms healthily. ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow!

      “Roots are like our mind and heart we water it with peace and avoid negativity and hate, our happiness flower blooms healthily.” This is even a great quote that you just formed!

      I’m inspired.

      Wow 🤩

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Vincent. Here’s my take.😍 For me, the flower symbolizes our body. The root symbolizes our soul. You water the root so that it can serve you. Feed our soul with good thoughts, positive energy so it will bloom and will give us strength. When it lacks nourishment it becomes weak. When the soul is weak, the body becomes weak too because it is a reflection of our inner strength. Therefore, the root is our foundation. Godbless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The root is surely our foundation!!

      The flower is our body. The root is our soul!!🤩🤩🤩🤩

      I really love this 😊😊

      Yes, positivity will surely give us strength.

      I can’t thank you enough for this fantastic insight that you’ve given us all.

      We really really appreciate it🙏🙏🙏🙏😇😇🙏😇🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I’ve never thought of it this way! As a linguistics nerd, I am super interested in the way that saying phrases in a particular but unintentional way reflects how we actually think about them. We say that we water the flower because we want the flower to stay pretty for a long time, but flowers are ephemeral and superficial. Watering the roots makes the whole plant strong and stable and ultimately gives it the potential to flower more and for longer. What a good metaphor for life!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmm 🤔

      This is truly deep. Because of the beauty that the flowers hold, we must make sure that the roots are well watered and taken care of.

      Watering the roots indeed gives the flower the potential to flower more and have a longer lifespan

      Thanks so much for this lovely, deep and insightful comment

      Ps, it’s also nice knowing that you are a Linguistic nerd 😉😇

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, the base needs to be strong and up to the task. 😃

      Now, you have done wonderfully well for enlightening us.

      Thanks so much🙏

      I love your thoughts and I believe fellow readers will love it as well😉🤗

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it needs to drink from the roots to show off it’s beauty.

      We should also drink from the roots of determination, honesty, hard work, etc to show off our inner beauty 💐💐

      Thanks so much for commenting. I really appreciate it

      Liked by 1 person

  13. My take on this is that if you water the root you give the entire body the opportunity to grow. If you only water the flower, only that portion can grow. Watering the root allows the most opportunity for beautiful growth 🌱🌻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is lovely 😊

      I’v learnt 2 lessons from this about opportunities.

      1. In life, we do things that allows only a portion of ourselves to grow

      2. We tackle the roots that allows us to be at the peak of our growth and brings bigger opportunities to shine

      You can see that you’ve really inspired me with your comment. Thanks very much 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  14. The root is the most important because it is what gives life to the plant. So let’s relate this to real life, we have to deal with problems from the main source( power source) not just the outcomes(things that follow). Let’s take the plants for example, when you cut a tree and leave the stump, the tree will grow back. But if you uproot the tree that’s the end. So if we have challenges we should focus on what brought about the challenge and that’s the root and that way the problem can be solved.
    On the positive side, we should have a strong desire to achieve what we want and that is the desire we should keep fueling(watering) because it’s like the root of a plant and that way, the desire won’t burn out and we’ll achieve our goals.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow 🤩 this is a really wonderful and insightful explanation.

      And you have really really enlightened me with this.

      Yes, we have challenges that we are facing, but if we can focus on the roots, we can overcome them.

      Likewise focusing on the roots of our goals and achievements. Just like you said, the desire won’t burn out and we’ll achieve our goals

      Thanks so much for this ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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